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The first modular CO2 laser coding and marking that grows with your needs.
Modular lasers SPA C by Macsa ID work with CO2 technology. They are powerful and fast, thus they are designed to meet the most demanding coding requirements.
SPA C lasers by Macsa ID allow to work on paper, cardboard, glass and also on a wide range of plastics, and that is why they are the most used by industrial and packaging manufacturers.
Macsa ID offers a wide range of power, speeds and optional features to choose the equipment that best suits to your company.
Reliable and precision
It follows the IP54 regulation, ensuring the tightness. Also available is the SPA CIP version, with IP65, much more reliable in dusty and humid environments. It is cooled by the RAF * Reverse Air Flow circuit, which keeps it clean. The lenses receive a constant airflow keeping them free of dust and impurities that could distort the marking.
Equipped with premium lenses and VCS (Vibration Compensation System) vibration compensation system to ensure high-resolution marking even on high-speed production lines.
Versatility and Connectivity
The modular system allows you to easily adapt the laser to the needs of each production line or type of marking. Thanks to its modular design, tasks such as the installation of optics, head exchange (Easy Exchange Printheads or EEP) or printing on curved or irregular surfaces become easy, thanks to 3D printing options.
They can work individually or in connection with various software: OPTIMA for complete real-time control of your company's production; NICELABEL to design, create and print labels; REMOTE CONTROL for a Macsa ID technician to adjust the machine remotely.
Ease of use and adaptability
Marca® software is easy to use and offers the operator all the possibilities to design messages and control the equipment.
Wide range of essential accessories and extras, which optimize laser performance.
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